Post graduate studies

Since I was a child, my motivation is help people. For this reason, at the beginning I wanted to be a teacher. But later, different ideas were around my head and I started thinking that maybe I could help people from another perspective. That´s why I chose this career.  

I think that it´s important to know about public health because now, it´s the least considered area by the people and someone have to do it!
In the future, if I finish the career jaja I would like to study something related with public health or management in healthcare pharmacy, but if you ask which catch more my attention..public health definitely because I would like to design new public health policies…
So I´m going to talk about doctorate of Public health. I would like to study here, in the university. The doctorate is accomplished in the Faculty of Medicine. This doctorate lasts 4 years. The maximum effective permanence to qualify for the degree of Doctor is 10 semesters and If you ask me for the modality of study that I would like to have… I would like to have a part time course definitely.

Study plan includes different activities: compulsory courses, elective courses, seminars, research units and internship. In the compulsory courses i´m going to take research methods in public health and bioethical and philosophical bases of public health and in elective courses I would like to take epidemiology II and III.


  1. It's a pretty ambitious goal, but if you can achieve it, you can improve the quality of life for patients.

  2. I'm pretty sure that you can finish this career! and I also think that in these days it's important design new public health policies

  3. I'm completely sure that you'll do such a good work design new public health policies!


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