Your blogging experience

At the beginning, I was so scared about writing a blog every class, because I never did it before.
Personality, in English class, I always prefer to write before speaking but..I didn´t have English classes since...2 years ago? so I felt that I had forgotten many things, but apparently not! hahaha
In general, I think that the experience was good! Much better than I really expected. I like it because I can practice a lot of and after all, English is so important in real life! The oral and written parts are very important so it´s necessary handle them. I guess that my writing skills have developed very well, because we were in constant exercise!
In another hand, the blogs help us to know more about us, sometimes we don´t talk with everybody and I think that the blogs made us closer as much as possible.
In the future I would like to include more preparation for the grammatical part. I think that the blogs would be better with more preparation!
I think that the best topic was “music in our lives”, I really enjoyed it but I think that we would write about topics more related with the career, this would help us in the future to understand some papers for example!
 I hope you have a good end of semester and good vacations! 


  1. It was also very hard for me! I never expected write like 200 words in English!

  2. I also think that we could have more preparation for writing the blogs, like vocabulary expressions. Great post!


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